Board Of Directors
As a member of PACCC’s Board of Directors, you will be involved in many decisions and activities. These primarily include evaluating and approving policies, approving the annual operating and capital budget, reviewing clinical quality indicators and operating metrics, ensuring the centers are compliant with all laws and regulations, assessing the needs of the targeted populations, and setting and approving the annual and three-year strategic and operational plans. The Board is also responsible for providing feedback to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), reviewing CEO performance, hiring and terminating the CEO if required, and setting CEO compensation.
A Board member’s term is three years and a Board member can submit for re-election for a second term. The Board of Directors meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month in the evening for approximately two hours. Most meetings are virtual. Board members are required to serve on a Board Committee and attend special events sponsored by PACCC. Board members serve without compensation.
The ideal Board member is passionate about PACCC’s mission, brings strong skills and relevant experience, and has time to participate fully in all Board activities and any relevant Board committee meetings. Relevant functional expertise could include finance, legal, management, marketing, fundraising, or other functional expertise. Experience in non-profits or the childcare industry is helpful, as is prior Board experience.
As a member of a Board committee, you will provide recommendations and/or action to the PACCC’s Board of Directors, which assists in fulfilling the strategic plan, compliance with regulations and/or other assigned responsibilities.
A committee term is one year and a member can submit for re-election. Committees meet monthly for approximately one hour. Most meetings are virtual. Committee members serve without compensation.
The ideal Committee member is passionate about PACCC’s mission, brings strong skills and relevant experience, and has time to participate fully. Relevant functional expertise could include finance, legal, management, marketing, fundraising, or other functional expertise. Current committees include Finance, Board Development, Strategic Planning, Human Resources and Properties.
To apply, please complete the Board and Committee Application and a PACCC representative will contact you to follow-up on your interest.
Board Chair Hilary McDaniel Teacher, Palo Alto High School
Chair Elect Georgiana Kuhlmann Biotech Market Research & Analytics Specialist
Treasurer Lanie Wheeler Bookkeeper, Ecumenical Hunger Program; Former PACCC CFO
Secretary Cynthia Wood Principal Data Scientist, Genentech
Chief Executive Officer Lee Pfab
Chief Financial Officer Dicie Hinaga
Board Members
Teri Baldwin President, Palo Alto Educators Association; Teacher, Palo Alto Unified School District & Palo Alto Educators Association
Kimberly Bausback Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Schwab Learning Center at Children’s Health Council
Lavinia Branden Rossi Senior Account Project Manager, Outform Group; Proprietor, Studio Kicks Palo Alto
Andrew Dinh Pediatric Anesthesiologist and Pain Management Physician, Stanford School of Medicine
Alison Kamhi Legal Program Director, Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Jonathan Klein Integrated Circuit Engineer (Retired)
Danny Koba Sr. Executive Director of Youth Development, YMCA of Silicon Valley
Rachel Samoff Early Childhood Educator
Christopher Torres CPA, Irvin, Abrahamson & Company
Elliott Wright Executive Director, Hidden Villa