Our Mission at Work

The work of PACCC benefits greatly from the financial support of numerous local individuals and organizations. As a community leader in Palo Alto, PACCC partners with families, and regional agencies to provide and advocate for exceptional and accessible childhood care and education from infancy to adolescence for over 800 children each year. PACCC does this by working to make quality care accessible to families at all income levels; partnering with parents to strengthen families so that each child is supported in their growth; promoting agency policies that ensure fiscal responsibility, organizational sustainability and growth; collaborating with child care professionals, local and regional agencies, businesses, organizations, and individuals; and elevating the social value and quality of childhood care and education by fostering an atmosphere of professionalism within the field and advocating for teacher education, salaries and benefits.

We believe every child deserves access to education. The Family Partnership Program is in an integral part of PACCC’s Vision, Mission, and Values. It provides eligible families in need the necessary subsidy resources to enroll their children in PACCC’s quality child care and educational programs. PACCC operates the Family Partnership Program, which leverages funding from the City of Palo Alto, the State of California (in partnership with the Palo Alto Unified School District) and its own fundraising efforts to improve outcomes for children and families.


As a non-profit organization, our need for support is extremely urgent. At this time, every generous gift is dedicated to the entirety of the agency. America’s early childhood education infrastructure was fragile even before COVID-19, but the pandemic has pushed it to the brink of collapse. Child care is foundational to helping communities thrive. Services to children and families at our 19 quality early learning child care centers is a critical part of our communities’ education network. Our goal is to serve as many families as possible, but with restrictions in place we are only able to serve a fraction of the children we were serving before we closed – in fact, we are facing up to a 75% reduction in our business capacity until restrictions are significantly lifted.

Significant declines in enrollment paired with steep increases in operating expenses have created an unsustainable financial situation for us during the COVID-19 economic crisis. Due to these unprecedented conditions, one of PACCC’s infant-toddler programs has been closed. Together we must continue to protect as many of our centers as possible for the future of our children. Our staff devote their professional lives to this field because they are motivated to do more than just take good care of children, they are in this to love children. Your contribution today will benefit children, educators, and families in our community! Please help PACCC continue what we do best – provide and advocate for exceptional and accessible childhood care and education. Thank you!

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